Plug-and-play 2.4GHz extended wireless connection (150-foot range) is secure (AES 128-bit encryption) and reliable. Red laser pointer It'll be easy for your audience to see exactly what you're pointing to.Intuitive, four-button layout lets you easily go forward and back on your PowerPoint or Keynote slides, while the other two buttons let you hide your screen and use the green laser pointer.Click 'Keynote' and select 'Preferences' from the menu to display the Preferences window. Green laser pointer lets you highlight any area of your presentation at the touch of a button with a green laser that’s 10 times brighter than a standard red laser. Launch Keynote and open the presentation.Intuitive, four-button layout lets you easily go forward and back on your PowerPoint or Keynote slides, while the other two buttons let you hide your screen and use the green laser pointer (10 times brighter than a standard red laser). You need to use a special keyboard mapping program for this, like Ukelele.Present like a pro with the Presenter Expert™ Wireless with Green Laser - Black.

I had trouble mapping the ‘.’ shortcut to W or B since the dot is not allowed as a shortcut key. R400 PRESENTER POWERPOINT Fernbedienung Laserpointer Wireless USB PPT Flip Pen - EUR 14,99. Put the cursor in the shortcut field and either enter the F5 key, or pres the start presentation button on the presenter. Single Page Mode With Single Page Mode, you can swipe through your notes horizontally, one page at a time. That way, you can use your iPad as a digital whiteboard to capture and share notes with others that don't have Notability. In dutch this is ‘Speel diavoorstelling af’. The Laser Pointer will appear in the tool bar when you start a screen recording.

You can even find a Youtube video demonstrating the R800, which is compatible. Though Logitech does not state the presenter R400 works with Mac, I know it does.