I know of no free software that will check a deed.

Perform calculations such as square footage or acres. From Sandy Knoll Software: With Metes and Bounds, turn Metes and Bounds data into a plot map. convert deed 'metes-and-bounds' into a plat of survey that can be viewed online, imported into a mapping program, loaded into a GPS device, and shared. deed plot deed plotter deed plotting deed pro deed software deed. Surveyor Deed Plot is a FREE online, innovative, easy-to-use, deed description. Deed-Chek is the easiest deed plotting software available and is ideal for real command sequence New - Free drawing viewer and deed plotting utility New. To learn more about one of these programs, click on "Smart Landowners Amazing Tool". Our property mapping software makes it easy to create property maps and boundary plats Understanding a Boundary Line from a Simple Deed Call. Easy-to-use software for plotting deed descriptions Informatik MapDraw ™ Deed Mapper creates maps based on metes and bounds Free Download. Deed Plotter and Map Drawing Software by Greenbrier Graphics This free, cloud-based application works with Google Maps to produce overlays for mapping. Online, free tool to assist genealogists in platting deeds using metes and bounds. A free-to-use, online tract plotter that calculates closure and acreage. surveying software mapping deed plotter plotting map drawing metes uses Deed Plotter and why thousands of our satisfied customers say, "Your program is. Metes and Bounds is Deed Mapping Software, for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS and Deed plots can also be easily drawn by hand using the call drawing tool. We're the folks who make DeedMapper, the premier software program for working old land patents, grants, and deeds, and placing them on a modern map. * Download Link: Deed mapping software free To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.Deed mapping software free By tyxurulyko Follow | Public wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Here’s how to check your Mac for apps that will stop working in the future. IOS 11 won’t support 32-bit apps, and now macOS High Sierra will be the “last macOS release to support 32-bit apps without compromises”. How to find 32-bit apps on the Mac To see a list of a Mac's existing 32-bit applications, users should click 'About This Mac' from the Apple menu, then click the button marked 'System Report.' Apple is abandoning support for old 32-bit applications across the board. In FCP 7 (yeah I know its 32 bit) Log & Transfer by a few seconds too. Generally what I'm seeing is say on hard disk transfers the 64 bit kernel will always beat the 32 bit kernel by like a few seconds.

If someone has seen significant speed increases of say 5% or more in an application please let me know what apps those are.